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Jan 93 min read
Azure VMs Constrained CPU - Hidden in plain sight, can you reduce your SQL License bill?
Ah, SQL, CPUs and licenses... you've got to love it. Our SQL servers have specific loads, patterns and resource requirements. We've...

Nov 7, 20248 min read
Azure Database Watcher - Every Breath you take, every move you make...
Monitoring can be expensive...really expensive. And while there are open source options available (shameless self promotion here for a...

Oct 7, 20244 min read
Constrained Delegation and Power BI Gateway SSO or SSRS - Delegation... delegation, it's what we need...
Ah, the elderly parent, the old warhorse SQL Server Reporting Services, and the young(ish) upstart Power BI and its On Premises Data...

Sep 16, 20244 min read
SSIS with SQL Always Encrypted Data. It's Integrated Jim, but not as we know it.
This is part 3 in the SQL Always Encrypted mini series... Unfortunately, the gotchas continue, as it isn't straight forward when using...

Sep 4, 20246 min read
Power BI with SQL Always Encrypted Data. Database Connectivity...Open you say?
In this episode, we're going to look into how we can read that Always Encrypted data (On Prem, with the Key secured by Azure Key Vault),...

Aug 19, 20247 min read
SQL Always Encrypted with Azure Key Vault - Lock up your data!
Those DBAs eh? You just can't trust 'em.... Well, we know that statement is ridiculous, but there are so many cases where data in a SQL...

Aug 5, 20245 min read
SQL Server Avengers: CPU Affinity War
Maybe not the best entry in the franchise, but this is another one of those configuration options that has been around forever, but very...

Jul 15, 20246 min read
Statistics IO. IO... IO... it's off to parse we go.
Again, this is another one of those little bits of functionality that has been present since year dot. Unfortunately, it seems to be...

Jun 12, 20244 min read
SQL Auditing. Guilty as charged! Or not, as the case may be.
This is a finger pointing situation that i've witnessed in the past regarding native SQL Auditing, and the potential for edge case false...

May 30, 20243 min read
Reasons to Match Datatypes #39 - Table Partitioning
Ok, so I may have exaggerated and jumped a few just slightly with the numbering there for effect, but they all matter. Assume a heavily...
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